Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thanks and and Update

Thank you for all your prayers and input over the last year as we were looking into full-time Bible translation missions.  You probably know that our desire to go to the mission field predates even our marriage.  For many years we knew we needed to put this goal down as we became strong as a family.  Since mid-2011 we have been seriously considering being missionaries overseas.  There have been many things to explore, investigate and pray about – more than we ever dreamed possible.  This journey has been longer than we anticipated, but we have learned much along the way.  God has been faithful to guide us past certain opportunities that sounded ideal, but proved otherwise after missionaries gave insight and other issues were brought to light.  We have seen God’s hand slow or stop our journey  through delayed or lost emails when we were looking in the ‘wrong’ direction.  Another example of God’s providence in our path happened during a brief family vacation, when we met people on an evening walk.  They invited us to their church, where the Lord had such encouragement for us and also some helpful guidance.  What a sweet Lord we serve!